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in-pacents PA Salary

ZipRecruiter 2020 Physician Assistant Salary

Average 2020 PA Salary Report from ZipRecruiter

The average salary for Physician Assistants in 2020 has increased from the previous year, according to ZipRecruiter, with PAs making an average of $107,038 nationwide.

ZipRecruiter is the only site needed to find your next job. It uses compensation ranges from job listings to provide salary estimates. Employers will often not list a salary range, and ZipRecuter has created an algorithm to estimate in these cases. The algorithm factors job title, location, and hiring company.

“While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $155,000 and as low as $50,500, the majority of Physician Assistant salaries currently range between $92,500 (25th percentile) to $117,000 (75th percentile) across the United States. The average pay range for a Physician Assistant varies little (about $24,500), which suggests that regardless of location, there are not many opportunities for increased pay or advancement, even with several years of experience.”


This report is lower than we what we have seen recently from other reports, the BLS showed average PA salaries at $112,410, and the 2020 NCCPA report showed PA salaries at $113,186. The lower amount on ZipRecruiter could be because it is from job postings, and not actual salaries. If a PA negotiates a higher salary, this would not be seen in the ZipRecruiter report.

The estimates are for base compensation only and do not consider other factors, such as bonus pay and other benefits, which can increase overall compensation. As with other salary reports for PAs, it is important to use this report as a general guideline and not a hard and fast rule when negotiating a salary.

Find your next high paying job as a Physician Assistant on ZipRecruiter today.

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