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in-pacents PA Salary

2019 ZipRecruiter Salary Estimate for PAs

PA Salary Data from ZipRecruiter

According to Zip Recruiter the avearge salary as of July, 2019 for PAs is $106,160 nationwide. Zip Recruiter is an online job search; it uses compensation ranges from job listings to provide salary estimates. Often, employers will not list a salary range and in these cases Zip Recruiter has come up with an algorithm to provide an estimate. The algorithm factors job title, location, and hiring company.

The estimates are for base compensation only and do not consider other factors. Other factors such as bonus pay and other benefits can greatly increase overall compensation. As with other salary reports for PAs it is important to use this report as a general guideline and not a hard and fast rule when negotiating a salary.

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The salary listed is consistent with other reports we’ve seen this year with the 2018 AAPA report showing average salaries of $105,000.

One factor that can correlate to increased PA salaries is location and cost of living, but according to Zip Recruiter there is little variation in PA salaries across the nation. If you are able to choose where you live and want to maximize your salary then choosing a location with a lower cost of living may allow your salary to go further.

Is your salary keeping up with the national average? Have you re-negotiated your salary recently? Please comment below the original post, sign up to receive future posts by email and share with your friends!