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out-pacents Student Loans

Sponsored Recommendation August 2021 – Stride Funding

Alternative to Private Student Loans

Thank you to our sponsor for August, Stride Funding. If you have not had a chance to check out the recommendations page lately, please see the updates.

For current students looking for affordable ways to pay for school, check out Stride Funding. They are an affordable alternative to traditional student loans geared toward supporting students in healthcare, especially PAs. They are funded by large non-profits to drive the most affordable rates, have short repayment periods (5 years), don’t require a co-signer, and have wrap-around career support. Also, payments only start once you get a job with no accruing expenses. They have comparison tools to help you compare different funding options and ensure you choose the best option for you. Check if eligible here – it takes less than 15 seconds!

Check out this post for more information on income share agreements and stride funding.

Stride Funding recommends taking scholarships & grants first, then subsidized federal loans, and then using Stride versus private loans and unsubsidized federal loans to finance the rest of your education. Most PA students can use GradPlus loans to finance their PA education, but if you’re looking for alternative options, then you could look at Income Share Agreements.

Research all your options and compare what the repayments will be once you’re done with PA school before you sign up for anything.

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