no-pacents PA Career

Apply to be an NCCPA Ambassador

Help Promote the PA Profession and become an NCCPA Ambassador

Are you a clinically practicing PA looking for ways to be more involved in the PA profession? The NCCPA has many options for PAs to volunteer their time and become more involved in the PA profession. One of these is through the NCCPA Ambassador program.

I have served two years as an NCCPA ambassador, and it has been a great way to be more involved in the PA profession. I’ve been able to meet and network with other PAs from across the country. The ambassadors are involved in different projects that help promote the PA profession, such as provide feedback on the PAsDoThat website and be featured in the following video. 

The NCCPA has been the certifying body for PAs in the U.S. since 1974. It is responsible for the initial certification and maintenance of nearly 150,000 certified PAs nationwide.

Applications for the ambassador program are due by September 15, so be sure to get your application in soon!

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