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Ziprecruiter vs. Monster for PA Job Search

Comparison of Monster vs ZipRecruiter

As graduation season gets closer, I often see the question, when should I start looking for jobs? And the answer is simple, about 12 months ago, or whenever you started clinical rotations. The first place to start looking for a PA job is at your clinical rotations. Every site you visit is a potential job, and if not a job, you should learn what you do and don’t like about each place. It’s also an opportunity to network and find out what other jobs might be out there.

Beyond looking at your clinical rotation sites, you can start looking at job boards and job search websites to see what jobs are available. You can even start applying to jobs. However, if you get a job offer, it will be contingent on passing the PANCE. If the offer is contingent on passing the PANCE, it could hurt your chances in future job searches if you fail. 

In your final year of PA school, you should first focus on your clinical rotations; but start to think about what you’re looking for in a first job. Ask your preceptors about their employers and recommendation on what you should look for in an employer. Then focus on passing the PANCE. If you have free time, you can start applying for jobs when you’re close to six months out from finishing school. Don’t feel pressured to apply to jobs early, and don’t let the potential job search distract you from preparing for the PANCE.

When you’re ready to start looking for a job, there are a few job websites that you can look at to help you in the job search. Two of your options are ZipRecruiter and Monster. We will compare these two job websites today. 


Monster Overview

Monster is one of the original job websites. It allows you to search for jobs based on keywords and location. When I searched “physician assistant,” I received results for other health care jobs, such as nurse practitioner and physician. The result of having other job titles in the search are similar to what you’ll see with other job websites.

Monster has a section on its website where you can find career advice. A variety of topics are covered, including interviewing tips, negotiation, and looking for a new job. It’s a great place to go if you’re looking for general career advice.

The number of results given under my search was lower than the other websites; this might depend on where employers in your area are posting jobs. If they all use one website, then it’s best to use the website where most employers in your area are posting jobs. If you only use one website, you might be missing out on jobs posted elsewhere. I recommend using two or three of the most popular websites for employers in your area.

ZipRecruiter Overview

ZipRecruiter is another website to use when looking for a new job. It has advantages for employers as they can use one website to get their job posted in multiple places. Once a job is placed on ZipRecruiter it is sent out to the top job boards, websites, and social networks.

There is an easy-to-use app that allows job seekers to get new job postings directly to their phones. When you search for a position, you’ll receive plenty of jobs that aren’t what you searched for. You can help the program by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down based on the job’s relevance to your search. In theory, this would help get better results; however, I continue to receive job recommendations for positions that don’t match my job title search.

ZipRecruiter vs. Monster Summary for PA Jobs

Monster and ZipRecruiter are popular job search websites. I like some of the advice that Monster gives for general job searching. If you’re looking for a new job, a slight edge goes to ZipRecruiter as it seemed to provide a greater number of openings. It doesn’t hurt to set up your profile for both, but that means there’s more for you to keep track of.

What is your favorite job search website? Please comment below the original post, sign up to receive future posts by email, and share with your friends!

This post was sponsored by ZipRecruiter


  1. Introductions are so helpful when looking for a job. Consider talking with a recruiter that has a strong network of Physicians and Hiring managers. linkPAs is owned by a Physician Assistant and focuses on matching PAs with great jobs nationwide.

  2. I like personally. It seems to provide the most relevant jobs based on the search criteria. It also seems to include jobs that are found on multiple job boards, all in one place.

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