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in-pacents PA Salary

Time to Complete the 2019 AAPA Salary Survey

2019 AAPA Salary Survey Now Open

The AAPA conducts an annual salary survey for the salary report. It is the most comprehensive report for PAs. Last year’s report had a very low response rate as only  9,140 PAs took the survey. In order for it to be a more useful tool in negotiation it is important that more PAs respond.

The AAPA is the national professional society for PAs. The AAPA advocates for the PA profession and provides many services for PAs, such as continuing education.

The salary survey is open to anyone who worked as a PA, a PA educate or a PA administrator the previous year. PA students are able to complete the survey as well with a different set of questions. Data from the survey is compiled and used for the annual salary report.

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The AAPA salary report gives in-depth information on PA compensation and gives a more comprehensive breakdown compared to other salary reports. If more PAs complete the survey it becomes a better tool to use in negotiation of PA salaries. It can help PAs compare their own salary and see how they are getting paid compared to their peers.

If that is not enough motivation for you to complete the survey, everyone who completes the survey will get a free summary report of the data this summer. Also, you’ll be entered for the chance to win a $50 gift card.

The survey closes at the end of the February so don’t delay and take the survey NOW: AAPA Salary Survey

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