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in-pacents PA Salary

PA Salaries Unchanged This Year According to ZipRecruiter

2021 PA Salary

As of September 2021, PA salaries were $107,038 on ZipRecruiter. With top earners making $136,000 annually. According to this, PA salaries have not changed from a year ago. PAs in CA had the highest salaries, with those in Mountain View, CA, earning $133,846 annually.

ZipRecruiter estimates salaries based on job postings. These salaries may differ from the actual salaries PAs are negotiating. The annual salary for PAs on ZipRecruiter is lower than reports from the AAPANCCPA, and BLS.

ZipRecruiter is an online job search tool that uses artificial intelligence to help in your job search. It uses an algorithm to learn what each employer is looking for and provides a personalized, curated set of highly relevant candidates.

When negotiating a PA salary, use salary reports as a general guide into what PAs are earning. You should always compare reports as each one uses different techniques to collect data.

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