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no-pacents PA Career PA Salary

PA Makes the List for Jobs That Pay Over 100K With the Least Competition

PA Pays Well with a lot of Job Opportunities

If you’re looking for a job that has a high salary and low competition, a career in medicine might be a great option. According to a report by Glassdoor, of the top ten careers that pay six figures with the least competition many are in medicine, including psychiatrist, optometrist, physician, pediatrician, dentist, pharmacy manager, nurse practitioner and physician assistant.

The determination of when competition is low was if there was at least one job for every job seeker, per job title. This makes it easier for the job applicant to find their dream job, as there are multiple positions available as they apply for jobs.

According to the report, PA salaries are higher than NP salaries; with median base salary at $100,000 for NPs and $101,502 for PAs. This is consistent with other reports, and might be accounted for by different fields that they work in; such as more PAs working in specialty areas compared to primary care.

The salary listed for PAs is much lower compared to the most recent report from the NCCPA, which showed the average salary of certified PAs at $107,718.

Overall, the job outlook for PAs continues to look optimistic and currently there shouldn’t be any difficulty finding a job for PAs.

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