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NCCPA PAs Do That Website

What is a PA?

The NCCPA has launched a new website to help educate the general public on the role of a PA. As a PA, I often get asked what a PA is; or what does “PA” stands for? 

I guarantee that you will be asked this question by family and friends if you are currently a student interested in becoming a PA. You can point them to the PAs Do That website to have a better understanding of what PAs do, and their role in health care.

It is helpful to have resources to give out to patients if you are a practicing PA. On the website, there is a great infographic that describes the role of a physician assistant. Practicing PAs can use this infographic in exam rooms, so when patients ask what a PA is, they can refer to the flyer.

The PA profession is a growing field, and some hurdles need to be crossed. Help grow the PA profession by educating the public on what a PA does. If you have not visited the site, you should check it out and share it with anyone who asks, “What’s a PA”?

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