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in-pacents PA Salary

Increase in Physician Assistant Salaries for 2018

NCCPA 2018 Statistical Profile of Physician Assistants

According to the recently released report the average total income of certified PAs was $110,567 in 2018. The past six years has seen an increase of 15.7% in PA salaries.

The National Commission of Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) is the only national organization that certifies PAs. Since 1975, the NCCPA has been collection data on PAs. Currently, this data is collected through modules in the PA profiles on the NCCPA website. The responses in the report are from PAs who were certified as of December, 31 2018. As of that date there were 131,152 certified PA, with 117,280 providing responses to at least a portion of the profile. This is a response rate of 89.4%, a great response rate compared to other salary reports.

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PAs working in dermatology and critical care medicine earned the highest salaries. Those working in dermatology had a mean salary of $126,084; and those working in critical care medicine earned a mean salary of $122,957. PAs in adolescent medicine and pediatrics had the lowest mean salary. PAs in adolescent medicine had a mean salary of $90,588; and those in pediatrics had a mean salary of $92,194.

As the salary of PAs continues to grow, so does the profession. From 2013 to 2018 the rate of certified PAs per 100,000 populations increased from 31 to 40. As fewer providers choose to go into primary care and more retire, PAs have shown to be an important part of providing healthcare in the future. With salaries and the profession continuing to show signs of growth the future looks bright for PAs!

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