in-pacents PA Salary

Decreased Pay for PAs in 2020 According to AAPA Salary Report

2021 AAPA Early Release Salary Report

New this year, the AAPA has released an early edition of the Annual PA salary report, showing a decrease in annual salaries to $110,000 from $111,000 the previous year. Previously, PA salaries had steady increases from one year to the next. This early release is a digital version only, with the full report released at its regular time during the summer.

The American Academy of PAs is the national organization advocating for PAs and providing members with CME opportunities.

The data for the survey was collected between February 1, 2021, and March 1, 2021. 13,865 PAs responded, accounting for less than 10% of all certified PAs. Although the survey only includes a small percentage of PAs, other reports corroborate the data.

Less production and hours worked because of layoffs and furloughs from Covid-19 is the blame for much of the decrease. With hospitals and clinics back to pre-pandemic levels, we hope that the lower salaries will not continue into this year.

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